Effective Weight Loss Diet

1. Atkins Diet (Atkins on Amazon)

If you want to lose weight, you should be familiar with the diet was invented by Dr. Robert Atkins (the U.S.) in 1972. This is one of the popular diet and most reliable for fat people to lose weight. The invention of the Atkins also known as Atkins allows more real. This diet encourages people to focus on foods that have high levels of nutrients, choose unprocessed foods (such as brown rice, whole wheat), eating enough protein, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids for the body.

This method is also limited to people especially in the consumption of foods rich in starch, these foods contain more sugar (refined sugar or processed sugar). With this diet, fitness experts recommend that you set yourself a goal in the long run.
Effective Weight Loss Diet

Dukan Diet Recipes - 4 easy to follow phases

Dr. Pierre Dukan has developed a unique online diet coaching program to maximize the effectiveness of the Dukan Diet. Dukan Diet coaching’s major innovation is customized daily interaction that leads to the stabilization of your True Weight.

Personalized weight loss coaching support

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South Beach Diet Recipes - Lose Weight in Three Easy Steps

What is the South Beach Diet?

Our doctor-designed plan features three easy-to-follow Phases that help you eliminate cravings, kick-start weight loss, and keep those pounds off - for life.

Phase 1: Eliminate Cravings, Rapid Weight Loss, Only 14 Days
Eliminate Cravings
Phase 1 is designed to modify your blood-sugar levels and reject cravings for sweet foods and pure starches.
Rapid Weight Loss
This phase will improve propulsion act your unit red and is for group who someone author than 10 pounds to retrograde.
Only 14 Days Long
You'll eat plenty of material, nutrient-dense foods to cater your appetite so you'll never get supperless.
South Beach Diet Recipes